Getting to Know Our Neighbors by Adenike Akinyode
An Invitation for Change- Empowering Undeserved Populations through Citizen Science by Simone Barnes
The Impact of Teaching Plants Through a Disease Module on Student Engagement, Attitude and Learning Gains by Keesha Bolden
Using Emerging Pathogens as a Vector for Teaching Project-based Storyline learning to 9th Grade Biology I Students by Christine Brink
What's in the Water? by Susan Chabot
Engaging Students below Grade Level in High School Biology by Niya Clark
The Effects of Integrating Emerging Pathogens on Student Interest and Performance by Christopher Druyff
Disease Biology: Teaching Biology Standards through Disease Modules by Elisabeth Emery
Effects of an Emerging Pathogen-Centered Lesson on Student Engagement and Perceived Lesson Effectiveness in the Advanced Placement Biology Classroom by William Furiosi
A Study of the Impact of Reading Skills and Strategies on Achievement in a High School Biology Course by Shavon Hendrix
Disease-ology: Transforming the Teaching of Biology Using a Disease Model for Evolution by Jeff Higginbotham
Ewww, A Mouthful of Microbes! The Use of Microbial and Molecular Techniques to Identify the Bacteria in Your Mouth by Alejandro Krause
Eternally Yours: Using Antibiotic Resistance Experiments to Enhance Inquiry-Based Learning in an AP Biology Curriculum by Francisco Saravia
Water is Life by Carlia Vaughn
Breeding Scientific Understanding and Ideas Through Change! by Steven Wilkie